Monday, September 24, 2012

This week actually has been off to a good start, granted it's only Monday, well technically now Tuesday.  I'm feeling better about the school and my entire situation now just because for some reason I feel positive this week. Sleep deprived and all. It's just weird thinking about how fast time has gone so far. It's already September 25th! The leaves are beginning to change color and the fall weather has been coming. I just can't believe how fast summer went and now it's almost October! When I'm at school I live week by week so the time just goes so quickly, waiting for the weekend to arrive! It's so different than summer when you're just in that lazy summer mode. I have responsibilities and so many things to do and I am stressing already! How can it be that this semester is going to be as hard as it is and shockingly for now I'm actually doing alright! This literally is just such a change for me, but I hope it keeps continuing!

Monday, September 17, 2012


I am so done with this school. For many who don't know what the fuck Stonehill College is you're lucky. It is a small liberal arts college outside of Boston. I am so over it. Maybe not the academics at Stonehill but definitely some of the people here. Some of the people here are literally like no other people I have ever met. They are assholes and not accepting of anyone. Besides those two facts some people feel the need to always have drama and talk about absolutely everyone. Yes I have had my fair share of talking about people, but what some people like S* do is talk about everyone all the time to make herself feel better. First of all you are not any better than anyone you talk about. You aren't physically that attractive and even if you were you are a horrible person on the inside. When you feel the need to make fun of and talk about everyone do you really feel better about yourself? Well you shouldn't because you're literally tacky and I hate you. 
I'm good at pretending I like people just because I really would rather not start shit with anyone, but when people are such assholes like S I really cannot handle them. 

*names are either represented with a letter or changed due to privacy issues.